[July 08 - July 14]

First GSoC Evaluation Passed Successfully!

Coding info

This week, I finished coding up the C++ backend for Cartesian Trees. The following methods were implemented:

  • CartesianTree___new__()
  • CartesianTree___str__()
  • CartesianTree_search()
  • CartesianTree__bubble_up()
  • CartesianTree__trickle_down()
  • CartesianTree_insert()
  • CartesianTree_delete()
  • CartesianTree_root_idx() : A getter function.

Comprehensive tests were added and I ensured that all of them passed.

Relevant PRs:

PR for C++ backend for Cartesian Trees (merged): #567

In the following week, I will implement Treap in the C++ backend.


This week, I learned about getter and setter functions and their implementation using the Python-C API. I created a getter function CartesianTree_root_idx() that accesses a member from a class much above in hierarchy (parent->parent->parent class).

Thanks to my mentor, Gagandeep Singh, for his support throughout.

See you again after an awesome week! 😊