[July 22 - July 28]

Completing Google Summer of Code 2024!

Coding info

This week, I wrapped up all my pending work, and I have successfully completed my Google Summer of Code 2024 project. I have fully implemented the C++ backend for all tree data structures present in the binary_trees.py file.

I made a PR involving Final additions to complete C++ backend for all trees in binary_trees.py file. Added getter functions to access root_idx (index of the root) for all tree types.

I also made my final GSoC 2024 report: GitHub Gist

Relevant PRs:

PR for C++ backend for all trees in binary_trees.py file complete (merged): #569

For next week… Hey wait, I finished the project! Yay!


GSoC has been an amazing experience, I’ve learned so much and enjoyed my summer holiday. It was great being a part of this wonderful program and I am truly happy with how well I navigated through the project and completed it successfully.

Thanks to my mentor, Gagandeep Singh, for being an amazing mentor. Thanks to Ivan Ogasawara and the team at Open Science Labs and NumFOCUS.

See you again with some more interesting stuff that I’ll do! (Hopefully another GSoC next year!)

Happily ending GSoC 2024,

Kishan Ved