[July 15 - July 21]

C++ backend for Treap done!

Coding info

This week, I finished coding up the C++ backend for Treap. The following methods were implemented:

  • Treap___new__()
  • Treap___str__()
  • Treap_search()
  • Treap_insert()
  • Treap_delete()

Relevant PRs:

PR for C++ backend for Treap (merged): #568

In the following week, I will add some additional functionality (like a few getter functions to access values and linking base class functions to derived classes) and this will complete the entire C++ backend for all trees present in binary_trees.py file.


All going great!

Thanks to my mentor, Gagandeep Singh, for his support throughout.

See you again after amazing 7 days! 😊